Monday, January 27, 2014

The start of Sci-fi week! Alien invasion.

The first theme week of 2014 has arrived and the theme is Sci-fi! We start with: aliens! We will come across more aliens this week than I will show to you today, but I think these are quite enough to get the sci-fi ball rolling.

We start of with the Big Fat Friendly Butterfly as some random alien. A big part of any stereotypical alien is usually his big weird eyes. The BFFB is also sporting a nice space helmet.

Next we have Count Slugula as an alien with two tails and an antenna.

You probably recognize this RatCat alien as one of the squeeze toy aliens from Toy Story. Although Toy Story isn't necessarily a Sci-fi story, I love the little aliens and really wanted to draw this.
 Making an alien out of any character is quite easy really. Just add some tentacles and a space helmet! Unless your character is an octopus or something...then it's just an octopus with a space helmet on. It works for mammoths though!

Finally, when you think alien, don't you also kind of think predator? Of course, predator is an alien so it fits right in with all the other alien weirdness you've already seen. So here, as our final drawing on the first day of sci-fi week, we have Lucy von Fledermaus as predator.

 How did you enjoy all the RatCat and friends aliens? Do you have a favorite?

Tomorrow it's time for some crazy geniuses! Until tomorrow! =^o,,o^=

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