Thursday, May 26, 2011

RatCat High: the Nerd

As the second in the RatCat High series, I present to you: the Nerd. He just might be the smartest RatCat ever! He's president of the debate team and the chess club! He is the only member though...

He's probably as lonely as the normal RatCat used to be before he finally started making some friends. Nerdy says he doesn't mind not having any friends, but I know he could really use a hug.

Friday, May 20, 2011

RatCat High: the Cheerleader

From the High School of RatCat, RatCat High, I bring to you: the cheerleader. Not the most pretty or charming of cheerleaders, but cheerful and enthusiastic none the less!

RatCat Cheerleader is the first from the RatCat High Series, but I have other ideas for this. Some I've already actually sketched, others I'm not sure yet how they should look. But some ideas for RatCat High are: the emo/goth, the geek/nerd (what's the difference anyway?), the jock.

Any other ideas? Let me know!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

The Life of RatCat

After RatCat came to be as a doodle during class, I started to redraw him. One of the first things I made of RatCat where 2 four-panel comic thingies:

They're basically showing some of the things poor little RatCat has to face while he's just minding his own business (which is mainly sitting in an ally, hoping that someone will come by and give him some love and maybe even a hug). Personally I like the 2nd one better.

While writing this I realized that these little comics are almost three years old. THREE! Time goes so fast...I also realize I didn't give RatCat all the attention he deserved. However, lately I've come up with a lot of RatCat ideas (and I've been drawing during class a lot XD). So look forward to more RatCat!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Welcome to RatCat and Friends!

As the title of this blogpost says: Welcome to RatCat and Friends, a blog dedicated to my original character RatCat (and his friends and possibly others). Right now I'm just figuring out the layout and settings for this blog, but I hope to post some RatCat related stuff really soon. For now let me just give a short introduction to RatCat:

He first came to be when I started doodling during class. He looked very different from how he looks now, lol. RatCat is very unloved and sometimes just needs a hug :(
But, luckily, he has made some friends over time including a litter of colorful kittens and (more recently) the Fairy Princess Mammoth (he's not really a fairy princess, but he really wants to be!).

More RatCat soon!