Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Mad scientists and crazy professors!

Sci-fi week continues! Scientists who've seem to lost it a little are no strangers in science fiction. Which is a good thing, because crazy scientists make all sorts of crazy things happen. They create monsters, build time machines, and...well some of them just go crazy.

This mad RatCat sure looks like he's on the verge of something insane. He doesn't seem to have any equipment besides that thing with the lever though...so I don't think he'll be able to do too much damage.

Evil Space RatCat may not look too crazy, but I don't think he's completely sane either. I mean...his best friend is a dust bunny that mutated because of something Evilly had conjured up in his lab. That's pretty crazy.

Finally we have Lucy von Fledermaus. I can just hear her laugh "aahaaahahahaaa!". All crazy like. Her hair sure is wild.

That's it for the second sci-fi day here at RatCat and friends. Tomorrow we will feature one of the biggest sci-fi sagas (if not the biggest) ever!

Until then! =^o,o^=

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