Thursday, October 31, 2013

Halloween time!

It's time for some Halloween outfits!

Let's start with RatCat who decided to dress like a mummy:

I'm not sure if he's trying to scare someone or if he's trying to untangle himself and panicking...

The Fairy Princess Mammoth wanted to try something a little different (different for him, so pretty standard I guess, lol). He's the monster of Frankenstein!
He looks a little bored...maybe next time he should dress up as Fairy Frankenstein?

Finally we have Lucy von Fledermaus as a witch:

You'd expect a black cat, but they're not called the colorful litter of kittens for no reason. There's no black one...So Lucy decided on this pumpkin colored one.

Who's costume do you like best?

Until next time!

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Which team are YOU on?

Thor 2 the Dark World will premier today so I decided to check out on which team everybody is. Thor or Loki?

Let's start with the two that decided they aren't on either team Thor or team Loki:

The Big Fat Friendly Butterfly (aka the BFFB) has a little thing for Thor's love interest, Jane Foster.

The minion decided to go for Odin. I think it has to do with Odin's eye patch and minion's own eye issue. Although minion's eye "patch" is super cool and gives him awesome ways to look at the world, he's still a little insecure how it makes him look and seeing a character rocking it on the big screen with only one eye makes him feel better. I'm not here to judge.

Next up are the Thor supporters.

 RatCat didn't have a lot of time to come up with an outfit to show his support, but he managed to make a "Team Thor" flag and draw two "T"'s on his face. Go THOR!
The Fairy Princess Mammoth is clearly rooting for Thor to be awesome. He also clearly had more time to create an outfit (or maybe he just cares more). I think he looks fabulous.

Finally we have the Loki supporters. As a group they seem to have put the most effort into their outfits.

First up is Evil Space RatCat. He's wearing an awesome green cape as well as a custom made belt-buckle. He looks pretty pleased with himself, doesn't he?

Next we have Count Slugula. I thought he wouldn't be up for this, but it turns out he kind of likes superhero movies and stuff. Who would have thought. Since he can't hold up a flag, because of the lack of hands, he got a banner.

Last, but definitely not least is Lucy von Fledermaus. She's team Loki all the way and she takes it way serious!

What did you think of all the outfits? If this were a contest who would win? My bet is on either Lucy or Fairy P. Mammoth.

Likes, comments, follows, and shares are much appreciated!
Untill next time! =o,,o=